sábado, diciembre 02, 2023



Dear brothers,

We are the Being of life that we live on Fifth dimension, we are waiting for you, while little by little they are changing toward ascension. We are preparing you’re new houses, here in our cities. There is still long way to go, they must take advantage of this space they find themselves to be able to recognize each part that they are, and in those small details, that everyone needs to remember, so that tey realize what they really deserve, and they deserve to be in the 5D with us.

Your world has been hit by the last millennia, whit a concept of superficiality, which as greatly marked its interior, and that has put a wall between the truth and the illusion of believing. In the world of illusion, lies make their way and create buildings and people who allow them to be guided by the fear they feel about themselves. On the other hand, in the world of truth, the veil of lies falls and then we arrive, your angels, masters, guides, entities, Elohims, grigorys (son of Elohims)… we are the famous Being of Light that you say, when someone can see us, your brothers of the light of the universe that has never given up on unconditional love, and those of us who work with you every day, so that you can fulfill your wishes.

Here and now our message is clear, do not say with the superficial, go further, because in the small details, you will find the great truths that the world of illusion is hiding from you. Do not allow the illusion of this superficially to create a retaining wall that prevents you from connecting with your hearts, with your true SELF. Your spirit is the greatest guide you can have, it communicates through the heart, that little inner voice that encourages you when the world is too dark, encourages you to continue loving, even though the world is upside down.

Have any of you asked, why don’t we let ourselves be seen before the people and stop the wars in the world? It is not our job to stop wars, no one would understand our existence if they continue to vibrate in fear. When you do not trust others, you enter into internal conflict towards others, everything becomes hostile, but the greatest cause of those feelings of destruction is yourself, the one who, because your heart has been broken, has to continue breaking your heart. wherever he is, until he meets one of our emissaries, and his life turns upside down and he begins to cry again, to heal, forgive and transmute his feelings, so that he can shine again in love and trust him again. himself and in his I AM. Then the world around you changes color and is more illuminated, because from the heart, the world that you see with your eyes is created, from the heart, the most beautiful acts of love are made, creating life, creating objects, using objects to create experiences, have experiences to create passions and good memories that make you grow and understand more the other dimensions that exist.

or we hide, we live behind the illusion of fear, remember that you created that illusion in order to understand each other and answer a question that the universe once wanted to ask itself: what happens when you are separated from the source that I AM? In 5D, the world is different, but we wait for you with open arms to accompany us in the journey of this next stage, very soon we will see each other again, and if you miss us, look at the sky both day and night, and ask for a sign from the heart, we will send you our ships so that you trust us, the Beings of Light, your older brothers of 5D.

We love you with all the heart of the eternal source of creation,


The Light Beings of 5D [Ashtar Commands, Timeless, White Brotherhood, Brotherhood of Reincarnation, the Asirion, Pleiadians, Arcturians, Venushia, Marsian, Neptzarians, Uion, Orion, Vega and Mercusian].

Message channeled by: Laia Galí HR.

Follow us on youtube channel, here:


Recomendation: unsaid emily - charlie Gillespie.



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