Whitout Freedom We Will Be... Freedom


The time is the only thing we need and we have in our power, look at your hands and tell me are you really free from all patterns that define you as you are? Although they are invisible, you have chains in your wrist and ankles. If you don’t see clear, tell me what are you doing when meet with your friends, you say yours without harming the opinion of others or do you say things according to what the group approves you should be?


Before ask for it, do you know how your lyrics know? Do you know the spaces that separate them? Do you know the feeling that your heart still yearning? The freedom it is achieved, broken your patterns what make you up, analyzing what you have from your parents, family, friends, coworkers or class…

The freedom is unique and you have it in your hands, but as children they tell us that freedom is only for gentlemen of the stories, where save the people on danger, but are you in danger? If no knight comes to save you, it is because your turn to be the hero of your story. Although the freedom cost your life, well who does not like it they will not go away, will want to try it for bad forms that you changes the way you are to become insecure about life. In a sleep of one’s own BEING!

It’s time to go away the matrix! Sorry, excuse me but I’m not talking about a bubble world full of falling numbers if you look at a fixed point, or get suspended like Neo does ins his moment of glory. Analyze better the trilogy, well he does not speak of simply going out, of taking the little blue pill and knowing the truth. Talk about how to become a victim of prejudice social harassment and be automatons in jobs that go against your own dreams, to be the hero who is capable of putting his heart into life and no longer being a robot that copies the other, for fear of being rejected and confronts himself and the lives of those fearful automatons who do not know how to be brave and get our the Pattern.

Get out of the matrix! It means, telling our universal mom “I’m old enough for you to control me, mom, I want to go out into the world without you” because we are at puberty in evolution as a human sacred kingdom. It’s time to experience the world that Mom and Dad have told us about, but now we will live it in our own way. This is freedom! But at the same time, assuming the responsibilities of said freedom, although they will always be there in case something happens to us, it is time to live, gentlemen.

How do you really want to live? Write it down on a paper, then make a fire and before burning the paper, read aloud when you are in the open air what you have written, as if universal mom and dad are listening and when finished, say thank you and burn the paper as on offering to them, to break the invisible chains on your hands and feet.

Then your heart knows what you want to do, simply experience the life that is presented to you, accept the gift of life, because you decided to return for something that you must discover yourself.

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Recommendation: La llamada (film) – Netflix.



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