Have An Appearance Of A Being Of Light


You don’t need to be a chosen one for a Being of Light that lives in other dimension for example 5D appear before you, in fact you must not be very conscious but if you read this, even though you don’t remember, it’s possible you already had some at some point of your current life. The chosen one don’t exist, this is an invention of the sects and religions for a few persons may have access to divinity, already by human right we live with the divinity between us constantly connected. So, consider yourself a chosen one, for see an archangel before your eyes, but your friend will be seeing when it’s ready.

Read carefully this words, so that they appears before you for the first time, you don’t do anything, just stay still and accept what you see, even if you don’t understand. But you don’t need a special diet, neither learn to meditate, either do a special ritual nor of any kind. Most likely that the first time, be an angel that maybe you don’t see his wings because will hide them for you, so as not to condition you so much and will head towards you and to talk to you of whatever that you will know what is it… different. At the beginning you don’t understand anything, but inside of you, a feeling of love will arise so pure that you can’t describe and maybe you stay in silence, hallucinating what you are seeing or you have more doubts about you just witnessed.

Don’t worry that with time, you will get used to they appear before of you to leave you messages, help you or they simply ask you to collaborate in an important mission. It will be your choice if you want help them or not, do what you do and decided what you decide, they understand if you are not ready. You will have already realized what to see angels it’s very normal, although society is afraid to admit it 3 out of 4 people have had a conversation with an angel in 3D. It’s just the fear of what they will say or if they think you’re crazy, but trust you, because you are not crazy, it something that what is happening and this is increasing. It’s going to be crazy those who haven’t already.

The world long ago the messagers how I am, we are sharing that the world we know up to now it is changing very fast and constant, well congratulations this is the divine plan for which the Master Jesus speaks in his recent messages, what are we following strictly and alchemy makes its effects in this divine time that you decide to be present. The new world is opening in front of you, and the questions is what can you do to enjoy and learn of them every day? Because decide not be have a consequences. So, my advice it easy, trust you and have faith in yourself. What you see is what it should be. The awakening of your own BEING has arrived!

PD. Look our the last video of Youtube Channel, here.

Recommendation: Lün – Folktronica.



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