As human they teach us that we always have to look for is happiness. Since it is the only ingredient in life, it keeps you strong enough in the face of any adversity that comes your way. If you have ever discovered what one can feel when depressed, you understand my words literally.

Socially they call us depressive, those who they have lost happiness and although they have had to live hell and some have gotten over it without taking medication, they still call us depressed, but with fear that we will relapse again. Many of you will have had the support and concern of your parents, siblings, relatives and even friends, who will have tried to help you by going to the doctor and taking medication in some more complex cases. In mine, I did not tell anyone, not my parents, much less the friends who had left me behind because they did not understand what was happening to me. The only help that I felt within my heart as a hope, were the Beings of Light, specifically the Angels.

If Jesus had to spend forty days in the desert alone, with a bag with a bottle of water and a piece of bread, while his shadows were reflected on the horizon of the eternal dunes of the Sahara and he was able to overcome them. My hell was a transformation of my inner world that reflected the outer world. The silence outside, was my weapon to feel safe inside, when the street of my heart, only felt the pain and suffering travel through my whole body, searching and purifying all the emotional wounds that I had caused myself to over thousands and thousands of years. The strength that I maintained in those ten months of silence was the key to open the heart of the universe and feel part of God’s plan.

My suffering culminated when the universe opened its doors and admitted me as its most faithful companion to work together. But I had to pay the price of immersing myself in the shadows, to love them in the light and never forget them since those were the notes that I had to study to embark on the new path that I had chosen to travel from that moment on, I walked hand in hand with the universe and here I am.

Jesus had to go through those forty days, in order to understand feeling part of the universe and thus begin to walk the destiny that he himself had chosen to transform. Depression is not a bad thing, socially experts are afraid that you will end up with psychotic breaks and be a danger to yourself, but what if society has been avoiding us from the path of God’s plan for fear of what one must face?? For me, depression changes everything that as a teenager I thought I should do and that as a child I did not find attractive, going through my hell was the trigger to return to my true nature, now that I see angels, teachers, Elohim, Grigoris… in general Being of Light, it does not make me a “crazy or off course” persona since I also consider myself another light worker, I consider myself one of them.

I accepted this path that it seems that many people I appreciate and love do not understand why I do what I do, in reality I will not change my way of being because of what they think of me, but I understand that they feel confused and think that now I’m sick. It hurts to see how your own parents make you shut up, because they are afraid that I will become dangerous and do something crazy, what crazy thing can I do to read your mind, read your memories, take care of you? My behavior is not to capture people’s attention, because I never had friends in childhood and was teenager or it was very difficult for me understand how to socialize are this time, I do what I do, because it is part of my inner world, and yes it is true that I do strange things, like appearing at times of conflict and I have to collaborate to help people, but that does not depend on me, if you ask the universe for helps, normally we Beings of Light come to help you immediately. Thant’s why I appear like the magicians when they want to remove something from their hat.

“Magical, sent from heaven, friend of God… that’s what they call us and it makes me very funny, because they look are the sky hoping to find some sign, but here we are… to your right, not up there”.- Archangel Uriel.

The magic of God is more than making angels appear in the sky or in the streets, it is so immeasurably beautiful that if you allow your heart to open, you will feel for yourself what I say, and you will not doubt that you are inside the universe.

“Our eyes are different from yours, if you ever see us, you will feel the love of creation emanate from the veins of the deepest of your hearts. Trust you. Trust your heart. He is the guide”. - Ascended Master Seraphis Bey.

Light is only light, and darkness is oy shadow, but both are creator and destroyer, that together you arise. The power is not in the light, nor in the shadow, but in neutrality, in the union of two aspects, together they build and care for beautiful worlds.

“From the ashes you will be earth, and from the earth your roots will grow so that you become the tree of life that you are and have always been”. – Archangel Metatron.

Follow your true nature and don’t be afraid of falling, you will learn to get up on your own.

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Recommendation: Joan Dausà – Caure no fa mal.

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